Lets talk about Nanomachines


Are you thinking about last 50 years? well you should, it is much fun when you cast your mind on the mainframe computers, very huge!!!

Nano-tech is the science of shrinking things to one billionth of a meter.
Huh?! That didn’t mean much for me either, until I found this fact: it would take 5 million nano-meters to equal the size of an ant! 1
It doesn’t take long to come around to the idea that this shrinking is the way of the future. Remember when the first flat screen TV’s cost $10,000 and weighted as much as a 4th grader? Now they are less than a half inch thick (1 cm) and we can carry a large one under one arm. How about the first mobile phones, when they needed to be permanently connected to a ten pound (4.5 Kg.) battery pack?

                            Nanomachine- Definition

Nanomachine is the general term for a machine ranging in size from one micrometer (one-thousandth of a millimeter) to one nanometer (one-millionth of a millimeter) using MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology. An example of a nanomachine would be a protein aggregate resembling the structure of a man-made motor using biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, and resins as parts. 


First-generation nanomachines In February 2005, during the Shadow Moses Incident, Naomi Hunter injected nanomachines into Solid Snake's body, which included: a nanomachine to supply and administer adrenalin, nutrients, sugar, nootropics, and benzedrine; a nanomachine to recharge a Codec's battery; and a nanomachine to infect the body with the FOXDIE virus. Nanomachines also made it possible to restrict the host's actions, such as shooting a gun, and to stimulate the host's muscle fibers using ciliary motility. They could be manipulated to reduce the effects of disease, though they were unable to directly administer specific medicines.[1] These nanomachines could also be recharged via a person's body heat, although they will end up lost if the person injected was bleeding or through excretion. The first-generation nanomachines, however, have a serious side effect: If they are injected into a person, they also have a chance with having a negative interference with someone's heart, especially if the person injected had suffered from rapid aging, as was what happened to Solid Snake.[2]

 Click the link below for more info on nanomachines
 Nanomachines to an exquisite future

Nanomachines to diagnose illness

A nano-scan
Nanomachines are the future of diagnosing and treating illness and disease. Henderson, a professor of genetics, development and cell biology at Iowa State University, along with his former graduate student Divita Mathur, studies how to build nanomachines that may have real-world medical applications someday soon. He and Mathur recently published an article in the peer-reviewed Scientific Reports describing his laboratory’s successful effort to design a nanomachine capable of detecting a mockup of the Ebola virus.

Iowa State University Study