Kim Kardashian West's quiet 36th birthday (see photos)


Kim Kardashian West looks to be leaving the public celebration of her 36th birthday to others.
The reality star continues to remain under the radar after being robbed in Paris.
She's remained out of the limelight - both publicly and on social media - since the heist on October 3.
But that doesn't mean others aren't happy to celebrate online for her.
Over on Kardashian West's site, BFF Allison Statter used the occasion to reminisce.
A message entitled "From Allison: Kim's Sweet 16!" included some throwback photos from Kardashian West's big day.
"As Kim and I have grown up together and gone through some life milestones—like getting our first jobs, moving into our first apartments, getting married and having babies—it's nice to look back at all of our memories together," Statter wrote. "Her 16th birthday will always be a special memory because it was at a time in our lives where we didn't have as much responsibility."
And naturally fans on social media gave shout-outs to Kardashian West on her big day.