
1. Bill Gates
Net Worth: $75 B
Source of wealth: Microsoft

2. Amancio Ortega
Net Worth: $67 B

Source of wealth: Zara
3. Warren Buffett
Net Worth: $60.8 B

Source of wealth: Berkshire Hathaway
4. Carlos Slim Helu
Net Worth: $50 B

Source of wealth: telecom
5. Jeff Bezos
Net Worth: $45.2 B

Source of wealth:
6. Mark Zuckerberg
Net Worth: $44.6 B

Source of wealth: Facebook
7. Larry Ellison
Net Worth: $43.6 B
Source of wealth: Oracle

8. Michael Bloomberg
Net Worth: $40 B
Source of wealth: Bloomberg LP

9. Charles Koch
Net Worth: $39.6 B
Source of wealth: diversified

10. David Koch
Net Worth: $39.6 B
Source of wealth: diversified