Blind psychic who predicted 9/11, ISIS , said Obama will be the ‘ last US president ’


The blind psychic who predicted 9 / 11 and the rise of Islamic State has also forecast that Barack Obama would be the ‘last US president’.
Baba Vanga , who was known as the ‘Nostradamus from the Balkans’ , predicted correctly that the 44 th President would be African - American.
But it ’ s unclear what the Bulgarian - born Prophet – who died in 1996 aged 85 , and who had an alleged prediction success rate of 85 per cent – meant when she said Obama would also be the last , Prophecies reports .
Obama technically remains president until Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2017 .
Baba Vanga prophesied that the 44 th US president would be black and he would be ‘ the last one ’ . She went on , saying that at the time of his stepping into office , there would be a spectacular economic crisis .
‘Everyone will put their hopes in him to end it , but the opposite will happen ; he will bring the country down and conflicts between north and south states will escalate , ’ she said.
However, she also spoke of a Messianic personality , but left few clues to help recognise this ‘peacemaker’ who in her words ‘will sign the lasting peace ’.
Over the years , Vanga is alleged to have made hundreds of predictions with an 85 % accuracy rate, including the coming of the Arab Spring in the 2010 .
Vanga’ s followers say she predicted the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami by foreseeing a ‘huge wave ’ which would ‘ cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water.’

In 1989 the mystic is said to have made reference to the 9 / 11 terror attacks on New York by claiming ‘ American brethren ’ would be attacked by ‘two steel birds'
Some suggest this was a reference to the two hijacked passenger jets that were flown in to the World Trade Center .